- Overview
Allen & Heath CQ-18T is an ultra-compact digital mixer with 18 x inputs and 8 x outputs
Features :
96KHz FPGA Processing - High resolution digital audio
Quick or Complete Channel Modes - Two different modes allow quick/easy channel setup or complex/detailed control of the channel
Gain Assistant - Auto gain level function can be enabled to help set input gain automatically
Feedback Assistant - When enabled on outputs this will automatically apply filters to correct feedback issues
4 x FX Engines with FX Assist - Helps to optimise FX settings to give the required result
AMM Automatic Mic Mixer - Ideal for conference, podcast, small-scale theatre applications to automatically follow spoken voice
Bluetooth Audio Playback - Perfect for backing tracks or interval music
SD Card Multitrack Record / Playback
USB Drive Stereo Record / Playback
Multitrack USB Interface
CQ-MixPad app can be used for remote mixing on a smart device
CQ4You app allows individual performers to configure their own monitor mix
16 x Mic/Line Inputs
1 x Stereo Input
6 x Monitor Outputs
7-inch Multi-touch screen
3 x smart rotaries
3 x custom softkeys